Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Updated Listing as of November 5, 2008 at 1:48AM, Central Standard Time

Updated Listing as of November 5, 2008 at 1:48AM, Central Standard Time
All items listed below are for sale by the avatar Maria Mastermesh Mesh in Entropia Universe.

Maria can usually be found in Port Atlantis Mall, Floor 1, 2 or 3, in, or near the auction room at approximately 4:30 OR 5:00 ish AM Central Standard Time and at approximately 8:00ish or 9:00ish, or 10:00 ish PM Central Standard time, most Weekdays, and at various times during weekends. Sometimes, she can also be found near the TP at Port Atlantis, or near the TP at Twin Peaks. She does, on occasion, travel elsewhere, but not too often.

All prices are subject to negotiation.
Typical prices are TT Value+50% current Market Value Markup Prices for the General public and TT Value+25% current Market Value Markup Prices for Shop Owners or others who wish to get in to a long-term purchasing relationship with Maria and don't mind being put on her friends list so that they can be easier contacted in game. Maria also does do consignment deals occasionally!

Prices on unlimited(i.e. any non-(L)(L)), low QR Blueprints are one exception to this - they are typically sold at .10 Ped Per Blueprint to the General Public unless 3 or more Blueprints are being purchased at the same time, in which case the cost is .05 Ped Per Blueprint. While this may seem to be a large price, it's not really as Blueprints of this manner usually sell in auction for at least 1.00 Ped. Maria also sometimes trades her blueprints at tt prices for blueprints that others have that she is in need of. You can find a list of the blueprints Maria is currently in need of at http://www.entropiaforum.com/forums/1618106-post7.html

Also, Maria sometimes does a Special Oil Deal, where the price of items is TT ONLY for your avatar, but this deal is ONLY good if you are trading to Maria in
Animal Muscle Oil, Animal Adrenal Oil, Animal Eye Oil, Blausariaum Ingots, Caldorite Ingots, Gazzurdite Ingots, Lysterium Ingots, or Magerian Spray, in addition to a few peds or pecs to make up the difference to match the TT value of what Maria is offering you. Maria does this Special Oil Deal as a favor for a crafting friend so that Maria can trade to that craftring friend in these items at TT values instead of in ped/pec. This works out to be a very good deal for you sometimes if Market Markup Values on what Maria is offering is higher than the Market Markup Values of the oil, Ingots, or Enmatter listed above that you are willing to Trade with.

Name Quantity
TT Value
Abrer Laser Sight 1
110.00 PED
Korss H380 (L) 1
43.82 PED
Isis CB19 (L) 1
37.63 PED
Alekz Precision Scope 1
33.99 PED
E-Amp 11 1
29.00 PED
Killian Longsword 1
27.50 PED
Killian Longsword 1
27.50 PED
Knight Thigh Guards (F) 1
27.00 PED
Valiant Harness (M) 1
12.00 PED
Large Striped Cotton Fabric Texture 383
7.66 PED
Generic Leather Texture 143
7.15 PED
Tailoring Remnants 660
6.60 PED
Pioneer Shin Guards (M) 1
2.00 PED
Paladin Face Guard (M) 1
1.61 PED

Pixie Shin Guards (F) 1
1.00 PED
Pixie Arm Guards (M) 1
0.76 PED
Pixie Arm Guards (F) 1
0.41 PED
Basic Bearings Blueprint 1
0.02 PED
Alekz Precision Scope Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Alekz Precision Scope Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Alekz Precision Scope Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Alekz Precision Scope Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Alekz Precision Scope Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Alekz Precision Scope Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Alekz Precision Scope Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Alekz Precision Scope Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Alekz Precision Scope Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Alekz Precision Scope Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Alekz Precision Scope Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Alekz Precision Scope Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Alekz Precision Scope Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Alekz Precision Scope Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Alekz Precision Scope Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Alekz Precision Scope Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Alekz Precision Scope Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Alekz Precision Scope Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Alekz Precision Scope Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Alekz Precision Scope Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Alekz Precision Scope Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Alekz Precision Scope Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Alekz Precision Scope Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Alekz Precision Scope Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Alekz Precision Scope Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Alekz Precision Scope Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Alekz Precision Scope Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Alekz Precision Scope Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Alekz Precision Scope Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Alekz Precision Scope Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Alekz Precision Scope Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Alekz Precision Scope Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Alekz Precision Scope Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Basic Bearings Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Basic Bearings Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Basic Bearings Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Basic Coil Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Basic Coil Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Basic Coil Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Basic Filters Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Basic Filters Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Basic Power System Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Basic Pump Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Basic Pump Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Basic Pump Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Basic Relays Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Basic Screws Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Basic Sensor Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Basic Sensor Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Basic Servo Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Basic Servo Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Basic Servo Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Basic Sheet Metal Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Basic Structure Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Basic Structure Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Basic Tube Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Basic Tube Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Basic Tube Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Basic Tube Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Basic Wires Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Basic Wires Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Beacin Laser Sight Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Bjornir Precision Scope Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Bjornir Precision Scope Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Bjornir Precision Scope Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Bjornir Precision Scope Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Durable Damper Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
E-Amp 11 Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
E-Amp 11 Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
E-Amp 11 Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
E-Amp 11 Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
E-Amp 11 Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
E-Amp 11 Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
E-Amp 11 Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
E-Amp 11 Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
E-Amp 11 Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
E-Amp 11 Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
E-Amp 11 Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
E-Amp 11 Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
E-Amp 11 Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
E-Amp 11 Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
E-Amp 11 Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
E-Amp 11 Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
E-Amp 11 Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
E-Amp 11 Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
E-Amp 11 Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
E-Amp 11 Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
E-Amp 11 Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
E-Amp 11 Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
E-Amp 11 Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
E-Amp 11 Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
E-Amp 11 Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
E-Amp 11 Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
E-Amp 11 Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
E-Amp 11 Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
E-Amp 11 Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
E-Amp 11 Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
E-Amp 11 Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
E-Amp 11 Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
E-Amp 11 Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
E-Amp 11 Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
E-Amp 11 Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
E-Amp 11 Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
E-Amp 11 Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
E-Amp 11 Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
E-Amp 12 Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Hardened Metal Plating Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Simple I Conductors Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Super Alloy Ruds Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Super Alloy Ruds Blueprint 1
0.01 PED
Super Alloy Ruds Blueprint 1
0.01 PED

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